Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Triumphant Return of Butch & Sundance

This site has been inactive for so long, I hope everyone didn't just forget about me.  It's summer once again and as my mood improves, so does the beat of music my head. It's considerably more up tempo when the sun is beating down upon us all. So here I am once again to share with everyone:

 "7 Heures du Matin" by Jacqueline Taieb 

 "The Only Place" by Best Coast 

 "Steady Steady" by North Highlands 

 "Harley Davidson" by Brigitte Bardot 

 "Sister Wife" by Alex Winston 

 "South Carolina" by Tennis 

 "Sea Serpents" by Babeshadow 

 "Eveningness" by Lotus Plaza 

 "She's Got You High" by Mumma-Ra 

 "Take Care" by Beach House 

 "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Patti Smith 

 "Evening Weather" by Made In Japan  

 "Show Me Love" by School Of Seven Bells 

1 comment:

  1. *steals playlist..
    *complies with threat and logs onto blogspot to post for the first time in 13 months..
